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Truework POS

Close loans faster with up-front income data

Verify any applicant at any time during the application process. With direct integrations to point-of-sale systems, teams can cut costs and accelerate applications.

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Streamline applications with a one-stop platform

Cut costs and close more loans with verified income for every applicant with Truework Income for Mortgage POS. Loan officers gain better access to verified income data, accelerating underwriting with a more accurate picture of every borrower earlier in the process.


Rules-based automation

Create custom triggers from within the point-of-sale system to get verified income before, during or after a borrower has finished their application, eliminating manual tasks.


Every verification method

Accelerate time-to-verify by orchestrating requests across every major verification method. Origination teams can close loans faster by reducing processing headaches.


Faster borrower experience

Help borrowers move faster through the most difficult part of the mortgage process by verifying any employment history through an embedded application experience.

POS Features

Save time and resources on every application

Automate exactly when verifications are ordered during the application process, avoiding unnecessary verification costs while helping prioritize qualified borrowers with verified income. 

Beat the competition with faster rate-locks

​​Increase customer conversion by verifying income up-front through your point-of-sale system to accelerate processing, underwriting, and time to rate-lock.

Revvin customers can verify any applicant with Truework

Teams using Revvin for their point-of-sale needs can now configure verification workflows for any applicant with a native Truework Income integration. Automatically trigger or let loan teams initiate verifications at any time during the process.

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“Lenders want verified income as soon as possible have trouble controlling costs when giving teams full access to verification services. Our partnership with Truework allows lenders to close loans faster while eliminating unnecessary spend.”
Headshot of Val Saportas
Val SaportasCEO
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Talk to an expert to learn more about how Truework can help your team automate more verifications.

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