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Barnes & Noble

Verify a Barnes & Noble Employee

About Barnes & Noble

Barnes & Noble is an American bookseller that is on the Fortune 500 list. They are the largest bookseller in the United States (when you count retail outlets) and provide books, digital media, and educational products. The Barnes & Noble chain of bookstores is spread throughout the United States, but the company's headquarters are in New York City. Many Barnes & Noble locations are designed for reading and relaxation as much as they are for buying books, with most incorporating a Starbucks coffee, lounge chairs, magazines, newspapers and more. As of 2017, Barnes & Noble had over 26,000 employees. Some of the employment opportunities may include children's lead booksellers, sales and inventory managers, receivers, booksellers, baristas, and cafe managers. They also have some corporate positions including marketing, sales, communications, development and analysis, strategic sourcing, merchandising, and more.

The company actually started in 1886 as the Arthur Hinds and Company bookstore. That first location was in the Cooper Union building in New York City. A Harvard graduate named Gilbert Clifford Noble went to work there in 1886 and became a partner in just a few short years. The name was changed to Hinds and Noble and then changed again in 1917 when Noble bought his partner out and a new partner, William Barnes, joined the company.

The company has 633 retail stores in the US; covering all 50 states as of October 15, 2017. Much of their selling is done through the Barnes & Noble website, although physical locations do make up a significant portion of their revenue. The company reported $3.6 billion in revenue for the 2017 fiscal year with revenue per share at $49.61. They had negative quarterly revenue growth and had a gross profit of $1.11 billion. The company often hires a large number of people during the holiday seasons.

Verify Barnes & Noble Employees

Truework allows you to complete employee, employment and income verifications faster. The process is simple and automated, and most employees are verified within 24 hours. Verifiers love Truework because it’s never been easier and more streamlined to verify an employee, learn more here.

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